Special Sessions

SS 8. Multi-Units Risk and Safety Goals
Date Oct. 6 (Thu)
Time 13:30-17:20
Venue Vista Hall (B2)
Organizers Inn Seock KIM (ISSA Technology, Inc, United States)
Kwang-Il AHN (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
As evidenced by the Fukushima accident, extreme external events must be one of the greatest challenges to nuclear safety. The risk associated with such events needs to be managed not at a single-unit level, but at the site level. In addition, safety goals for multi-unit sites should be adequately developed in consideration of the site risk. All these issues will be addressed in the session.
IAEA Report on Fukushima Gustavo CARUSO (IAEA, Oce of Safety and Security Coordination, Austria)
Risk-informing Site Safety Management: External Hazards Paul AMICO (Jensen Hughes, United States)
An Integrated Modeling Approach for Event Sequence Development in Multi-Unit Probabilistic Risk Assessment Jiejuan TONG (Tsinghua Unversity, China)
Gap Analysis between Single-unit and Multi-unit PSAs for Korean NPPs Gyunyoung HEO (Kyung Hee University, Korea, Republic of)
Current and Future EDF R&D activities on External Event Assessment Mohamad HIBTI (Electricite de France, France)
Earthquakes, Safety Goals, and Multi-Units (OH MY) Woody EPSTEIN (Curtiss-Wright, Japan)
Research Status of Multi-unit PSA Methodology in Korea Ho-Gon LIM (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
A perspective on Multi-Units PRA and R&D activities in Japan Toshiyuki ZAMA (Nuclear Risk Research Center, Japan)
Safety Goals and Associated Quantitative Health Objectives (QHOs) Applied to Multi-Units Sites Mohammad MODARRES (University of Maryland, United States)
Industry R&D Plans for the Site Risk Management and Safety Goal in Korea Jang Hwan NA (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., Central Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)

OverviewOverview Overview